Introduction For various reasons, I need to draw some lines on terrain in Unity. I’m not sure if these are the algorithms I’ll end up using, but given that I couldn’t find anything but pseudo-code for them (okay, I didn’t…
Introduction For various reasons, I need to draw some lines on terrain in Unity. I’m not sure if these are the algorithms I’ll end up using, but given that I couldn’t find anything but pseudo-code for them (okay, I didn’t…
Introduction As I journey down this Unity-fying road, I weave together many strands left behind by those adventurers that have come before me. That’s a nice way of saying that I stick together pieces of code found on n00b boards.…
Introduction (aka, those flocking Vectors) Those flocking Vectors. How I grow to hate them. Hate’s a strong word – how they irk me from time to time. But occasionally they come together to form something quite beautiful – especially (as…